It’s the Lakes International Comic Art Festival in just over a week’s time and we’re delighted to say that BF will be playing a role in the ‘You Ask, We Tell! Helping Creators Pitch to Publishers, the Press and Comic Shops’ panel at 1pm on Sunday October 16th in the Comics Clocktower.
Hosted by Stephen L. Holland of the hugely respected Nottingham comics shop Page 45, the discussion will also have contributions from Avery Hill Publishing’s Ricky Miller, self-publisher (and fellow AHP team member), Katriona Chapman (Katzine), and our own Editor-in-Chief Andy Oliver who has been writing our regular ‘Small Pressganged‘ feature now for nearly five years.
Between them this foursome will be pooling their expertise and experience to provide tips and pointers on how to negotiate the worlds of self-publishing and self-promotion at a point in time when the explosion of new indie talent in the UK has meant it has never been easier to get your work out there but, simultaneously, also never been as easy to get lost in the deluge of new product.
From Jade Sarson to Andy Poyiadgi, EdieOP to Jessica Martin, we’ve prided ourselves here at BF on being there at the beginning of so many UK indie creators’ creative journeys over the last few years. Broken Frontier has always been a site that believes not just in passively commentating on comics but also in actively championing and nurturing the new talent that is the medium’s very lifeblood. So it’s a singular privilege indeed to be among such esteemed and like-minded company at this event.
‘You Ask, We Tell!’ represents a fantastic chance this year to get the lowdown on how to approach publishers, how to increase your chances of being stocked by shops, and the dos and don’ts of getting a review from the people at the heart of those processes.
Unique opportunities like this should be grabbed with both hands!
You can book a ticket here online priced £8.00 plus booking fee. For more on this year’s LICAF visit the site here. You can find out more about the fantastic line-up of guests that Page 45 have signing with them at the Lakes here.