Press release
William Hodge and Wyldcard Studio have started a campaign on Kickstarter to find financial backers for Convention Exclusive Variants of “The Uncanny”; a series which is already completely finished, so backers will not need to wait for him to finish his art!
Hodge would like to start attending and selling at conventions and he wants to raise money to print up special convention only covers of all of the finished issues of The Uncanny.
William Hodge wants to say THANKS and to let the world know that he met his targeted goal yet still wants to remain fresh and sharp to every backer so this is what he is still doing and offering:
– A page per day of a new Kickstarter comic, to be read online. Page 17 just came online.
– A Special Kickstarter Only Cover for The Uncanny Issues, which will become an interlocking image
– Backers can become villains
– Backers can become Monitor Heads
– Backers can have their kid become a Super Hero cartoon
Hodge created, drew, crafted a complete new superhero-story and is dedicated to make it stand out; or as he states himself: “This is a modern day super hero comic book. It’s a little bit Matrix, a little bit Doom Patrol and a heaping of everything fantastic thrown in”.
Click the link for more information and to support The Uncanny on Kickstarter:
Visit the site to read The Uncanny Prologue entire issue for free:
To learn more about William Hodge and Wyldcard Studio visit: