Chaired by Aneurin Wright and featuring a whole host of comics folk from editors to artists through to the odd commentator on the form, the recently recorded online ‘Galvanising Comics’ Panel discusses the value of comics competitions and how we can continue to raise the profile of the form in the wider public consciousness. The panellists all have links to the Myriad Graphic Novel Competition and include three of the winners (Gareth Brookes, Broken Frontier’s Jenny Robins and Veronika Muchitsch), shortlisted artist Con Chrisoulis, and four past judges of the competition (Myriad’s Corinne Pearlman, Woodrow Phoenix, Nicola Streeten and Broken Frontier Editor-in-Chief Andy Oliver). It’s a cracking conversation and complements many of the discussions we’ve been having in UK comics throughout 2020.