MONSTROSITY, is a comics anthology featuring over twenty original stories using ‘monsters’ as the books overarching theme. All new works from creators such as J. Bone (Multiple Eisner nominee and artist on DC’s Super Friends and IDW’s Rocketeer), Noel Tuazon (Eisner nominated artist on Archaia’s Tumor) and James Turner (SLG’s Warlord of Io, Rex Libris) are featured alongside works from numerous rising stars such as Michael Walsh (Image’s Comeback and IDW’s X-Files), and James Edward Clark (Shuster nominated EVIL).
The stories in MONSTROSITY feature giant earth shaking monsters, telepathic bloodthirsty parasites, subterranean alien wyrms and possessed arctic way stations all with modern twists one would expect from the premier comic talent gathered within.
The book successfully reached its crowd funding goal, raising money for the print run of the book, and is now available for order in the August Previews, and is the perfect book to provide the thrills demanded for the Halloween holiday. Find MONSTROSITY on page 241 of August Previews, through Alterna Comics Inc (AUG13 0934) for $14.99.