HCZF MONTH! One of the in-person events on the Hackney Comic + Zine Fair programme this year features the work of our very own Broken Frontier team member Jenny Robins. There’s still time to catch ‘Biscuits (Originals)’, the exhibition of Jenny’s work at Ridley Road Social Club with the final day this coming Saturday, September 18th. The show includes pages from her Myriad First Graphic Novel Competition-winning book Biscuits (assorted), a much lauded debut work! The slice-of-life graphic novel tells the very different stories of a diverse group of London women as their lives weave around each other.
With Jenny being a part of the BF family it seemed inappropriate to run a review of Biscuits when it was published but we did feature it in a number of other ways including an interview when I described it as “Cleverly constructed, ever playful with the form’s language, and employing some sparkling dialogue and characterisation, it’s a graphic novel you will return to time and again. In fact, this joyous, witty, poignant and, most importantly, very human story is the book we all needed as a counterpoint to the challenges of 2020.”
The free exhibition opened last weekend so do make sure you get to it if you can before it closes! Jenny is currently also creating a related crowd scene mural to be auctioned in a silent charity auction. If you want to find out more about Biscuits (assorted) then we have that interview with Jenny Robins here plus an early creator’s commentary on the book here. You can order it directly from Myriad here, Gosh! Comics here, or Page 45 here. More info on the exhibition on the HCZF site here.
The epic mural-in-progress with some familiar faces from the UK indie scene!
Launch night!
Jenny chatting with attendees by video link on the opening night
Pages from Biscuits (assorted)
More of Jenny’s work on show
Exhibition organiser Nora Goldberg
Hackney Comic + Zine Fair organiser Joe Stone
Follow HCZF on Instagram (@hackneycomicfair) and Twitter (@hackneycomics) for updates, and head over to www.hackneycomicfair.com for more information about the event.
Photos courtesy of Nora Goldberg
Article by Andy Oliver