Comicbook writer/artist Joe Martino is no stranger to Kickstarter. Last August, his Mini-Series The Mighty Titan was funded through the popular crowd-funding site. This past May, Joe listed his second issue for the series on Kickstarter with an amazing response. Within 30 hours the book was above the goal amount.
Imagine for amomentthat you are the world’s strongest protector—TITAN, an invincible superhero who cannot be harmed by knife, bullet or bomb. Now, imagine Titan’s mortal, regular-guy alter ego is told he has cancer and is dying. What then?
That’s the premise of “The Mighty Titan,” a 5-issue comic book series created by Joe Martino and his publishing company, JGM Comics. Joe knows intimately what it’s like to deal with cancer— he’s been diagnosed and has beaten the disease… twice.
“I created ‘The Mighty Titan’ during my first bout with kidney cancer,” says Joe, who’s been writing and illustrating comics since he was ten. “It was tough to take my personal experiences and put them on paper to entertain while giving people a glimpse of what I and other cancer survivors I’ve talked to have gone through battling this deadly disease. It’s our way of dealing.”
Many comics industry veterans have helped Mr. Martino realize his vision. Issue #1 features a cover by legendary artist Jerry Ordway, colored by Danielle Alexis St Pierre. Issue 2 has an amazing cover by DC Comics artist Jamal Igle (Supergirl, Molly Danger). Joe is offering some amazing stretch goals for participants of this second issue; including prints by Jimbo Salgado and Fred Hembeck as well as a free comic with a cover by comicbook artist Bryan Hitch. Other cover art has been created by notables, John Byrne, Bob McLeod and Steve Lightle. “The Mighty Titan” also boasts the talent of pencillers Luca Cicchitti and Cory Smith, inker Jeff Austin, colorist Keith J. Betancourt and letterer Adam O. Pruett
Issue #1 was critically acclaimed by many online comic news sites.
“Titan could one-day be up there with the greats such as Superman and Batman. – Paul Wetzel,
“This first issue is pretty close to perfect.” – Jess Kirby,
“…I expect that this series will only get better as time goes on.” – Ashley Olien,
Make no mistake: even with its themes of vulnerability, loss and hope, “The Mighty Titan” is a fun superhero comic with vile villains, giant Mechs and amazing mythological creatures. With just under two weeks to go until his KickStarter campaign ends, Mr. Martino has over 185 backers who have pledged and he has doubled his goal of $2250.
Concludes Joe, “I’m doing this comic series for my kids, Alyssa, Vincent and Alexander. How we deal with misfortune defines us. I want them to know that, and never give up… just like Titan.”