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Thank you for your interest in Broken Frontier! Check out our contact details and team bios below.
For press releases, previews, solicitations and scoops.
For review requests, digital or hard copies. If you want to send hard copies to a particular staff member, please contact us for details. Due to the international whereabouts of our staff, we don’t list a public mailing address. Since we receive multiple review requests daily, we cannot cover all requests. We do, however, share requests that fit within our coverage area across the team and cover as much material as possible.
If you’re a self-publisher or small presser please read our article on getting coverage for your comic here for advice on how to pitch your review request. Review submissions are accepted on the understanding that coverage can be critical as well as positive, and that reviews will become a permanent archived resource on Broken Frontier recording the landscape of the indie comics community of the time.
We do not review comics using AI art or the work of any creator using AI art in their practice. Similarly those who are involved with NFTs are not eligible for coverage at BF.
Broken Frontier is an inclusive platform seeking to celebrate the diversity of the medium and those who work in it. We do not accept review submissions from anyone who is either involved in, or who associates with those involved in, comics hate groups.
For staff applications and writing submissions. Please read our further information on joinng the BF team here before applying.
Advertising is currently curated and provided for free to socially relevant projects and socially conscious publishers/organisations.
Follow us on Twitter @brokenfrontier and on Instagram @brokenfrontier
PLEASE NOTE: We publish original content only at Broken Frontier and do not accept submissions for sponsored posts or paid-for advertising articles.
Andy Oliver
Editor-in-Chief – Bluesky Instagram @andywpoliver
Andy is BF’s Editor-in-Chief, site owner and its resident specialist on small press, self-published and alt comics through his regular ‘Small Pressganged’ column. He has been a member of the British Comic Awards Committee, was a past judge for the Myriad First Graphic Novel Competition and a judge for the 2019 SICBA Awards. He is also a co-organiser of Small Press Day, the editor of the Broken Frontier Small Press Yearbook, a regular chair/guest on panels on the UK comics circuit and was a contributor to Paul Gravett’s book 1001 Comics You Must Read Before You Die.
Read Andy’s articles here at Broken Frontier
Current Staff Writers
James Calderbank
Reviews Instagram @jcalderbank.illustration
James Calderbank is a comic artist and writer based in Cornwall. Specializing in folk horror and the mythology of the British Isles, he frequently attends comic festivals and markets across the southwest of the UK to sell his work. He is also the co-founder of the comic anthology series Taproom Tapestries.
Lindsay Pereira
Features and Reviews
Lindsay Pereira is a Toronto-based journalist, columnist, editor and digital strategist for global media and publishing houses. He is co-editor of Women’s Voices, an anthology of nineteenth and early twentieth century Indian writing in English (OUP, 2002). Lindsay writes about the arts, obsesses over literature and music, and works to pay for tickets to Tori Amos concerts.
Read Lindsay’s articles here at Broken Frontier
Lydia Turner
Features and Reviews
Lydia is an MA English Literature graduate, with a history in children’s book publishing, and is currently working in publishing. She specialises in feminism, and wrote her masters thesis on the representation of women in The Chronicles of Narnia series. Lydia previously wrote reviews for Pipedream Comics, with her reviews featured by SelfMadeHero, Avery Hill and other indie publishers. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, singing, cartoons and escape rooms! Cute plushies and beautiful books are a sure-fire way to get her attention!
Read Lydia’s articles here at Broken Frontier
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