A return to our semi-regular Crowdfunding Corner feature today at BF where we spotlight campaigns we have either discovered ourselves or by sifting through all the many crowdfunding coverage requests we receive here at BF each week. Featured comics both fit the Broken Frontier ethos and we feel deserve your support and backing. Today we’re promoting new work from Norm Konyu in the form of Edgar Allan…
Edgar Allan
When Thomas Evans, theatrical producer extraordinaire, meets up with old friend Edgar Allan Poe, he decides it is time – time to tell Poe the truth, time to try to snap the writer out of his pit of melancholy and madness, and time to try to get the rarest of the rare from Poe – a smile.
The who and what: For a man who once took the best part of a decade to bring his debut graphic novel The Junction to the world Norm Konyu has been incredibly prolific in recent years! The artist behind such spooky stories as Downlands and The Space Between the Trees is back with this part comics/part art book offering which gives us a tour through the dark oeuvre of the noted author, presumably in a similar vein to his A Call to Cthulhu last year.
What’s on offer: The top artwork tier has already been snapped up by the canny early backers! But you can take your picks from digital, physical, signed and art-stamped books on the other reward levels.
Why you should back it: Norm Konyu is one of our Broken Frontier Six to Watch artists from the Class of 2021 so that’s a pretty good reason to start. Norm describes Poe as a “master of the macabre” in his Kickstarter blurb for the project but that’s a phrase that could just as easily apply to him given the haunting qualities of his recent graphic novels and their distinctively eerie visual stylings. Titan Books seem to agree, having picked up a number of his self-published books. Konyu meets Poe is, indeed, a perfect match-up!