Sometimes here in ‘Small Pressganged’ it’s as valuable an exercise to look forwards at promising new material as it develops as it is to analyse completed work.
Those who read my recent Broken Frontier interview with 2016 BF ‘Six Small Press Creators to Watch‘ artist Ellice Weaver will remember her talking about her van-based adventures with her partner Till as they travelled across Europe. As it happens, Till Lukat is also a rising name on the small press scene with not just his own self-published comics but also his appearances in popular anthologies like Off Life and Dirty Rotten Comics; not to mention his book Tuff Ladies from Centrala.
Lukat’s latest project is a diary-style daily short comic strip titled Off the Grid which follows his and Weaver’s trials and tribulations as they journey around the continent in their beaten-up vehicle/home. With its sometimes painful honesty and always neat pacing, the gently observed humour of Off the Grid looks to be well worth bookmarking and keeping a watchful eye on over the next few months.,.
Keep up with Off the Grid daily here.
You can also follow Till Lukat on Twitter here and Ellice Weaver here.
For regular updates on all things small press follow Andy Oliver on Twitter here.