Debuting last year from Ahoy Comics the premise of Penultiman was described with the blurb “The Next-To-Last-Stage In Human Evolution, is the greatest, best-looking, and most admired super-hero in the world! So how can he stop hating himself? His android understudy, Antepenultiman, thinks he knows the answer!”
We have a preview below today of the fourth issue of the series, coming out next week.
(W) Tom Peyer
(A) Alan Robinson
(C) Alan Robinson
Early retirement torments Penultiman—but he just might have found the right motivational speaker to dig him out of his rut! (SPOILER: It’s the WRONG motivational speaker!) Meanwhile, Penultiman’s android assistant, Antepenultiman, builds an artificial sidekick of its own! Also: bonus illustrated prose stories!