In the aftermath of the Lakes International Comic Art Festival and the run-up to Thought Bubble it’s hardly surprising that some deserving crowdfunding projects may have got lost in the mix. One such case is Save Our Souls, a multi-discipline venture that combines articles and short comics in one enticing package.
It’s edited by Private Eye cartoonist David Ziggy Greene, whose graphic reportage book Scene & Heard was reviewed by me here last year in our ‘Small Pressganged’ column. The comics line-up for the first issue is certainly impressive and includes Broken Frontier Anthology contributor Mark Stafford (read my interview with him here at BF this year), acclaimed graphic novelist (and my fellow panel member at the recent S.M.A.S.H. event) Fumio Obata, and Joe Sparrow whose self-published work and recent Nobrow debut have been covered at BF over the last year.
There are just a handful of days to go for funding Save Our Souls. The magazine seeks to pay all those contributing via funds raised through the campaign and, while it’s some way off its initial target, it is using the flexible funding platform Indiegogo. We’re promised that Save Our Souls will include “articles on wide ranging topics and experiences by some of the best writers currently being published in major newspapers, magazines and websites” and that it has a mission statement “to change the way people see the relationship between comics and writing”.
You can fund the campaign on IndieGoGo here and follow the magazine on Twitter here.