A return to our semi-regular Crowdfunding Corner feature today at BF where we spotlight campaigns we have either discovered ourselves or by sifting through all the many crowdfunding coverage requests we receive here at BF each week. Featured comics both fit the Broken Frontier ethos and we feel desrve your support and backing. Today we’re pushing CoCo Comics’ The Stranger #2…
The Stranger #2
In traditional superhero stories, the titular character’s battle to maintain a secret identity is part of the suspense that makes those iconic stories so compelling…
…However, what if there was a story from the perspective of a Detective hell-bent on uncovering the alter-ego of a masked crimefighter?
In New York, 1975, a hard-boiled Detective investigating a murder pursues a long-assumed dead superhero to the top floor of an apartment block, where any of the of seven residents could be…
The who and what: You have the blurb above from the Kickstarter campaign page that sums up the premise of The Stranger. This is super-heroics with a distinctive twist from the team of writers Tom Philipson and James Patrick, artist Devlin Baker and colourist Davi Pinheiro, and published by CoCo Comics. Indeed, when we reviewed the first issue of this super-hero mystery noir last year at BF we said of it: “this is an opener that ticks every box in terms of suspense and ensuring reader anticipation. A rare feat indeed in super-hero comics in 2024!”
What’s on offer: This is more stripped back campaign in terms of rewards with the opportunity to buy both issues in the mix alongside personalised sketches. At the very top end of the tiers though is the rather novel offer of being told the ending in advance which will set you back a cool £1,000!
Why you should back it: You probably already know what we’re going to say here… This is Broken Frontier. We usually leave super-heroes to other sites to cover. But The Stranger is taking a different approach to its subject matter and is well worth investing both your time and money in. Also let us not forget that writer/co-creator/letterer Tom Philipson is one of our 2024 Broken frontier ‘Six to Watch’ creators which is reason enough to back the book. And, finally, that’s one hell of a cover for #2 above…