Death Sentence #2
Death Sentence’s edgy take on an original premise stays strong with its second issue, as its characters struggle to come to grips with their surreal situation. Verity Fette is an…
Death Sentence’s edgy take on an original premise stays strong with its second issue, as its characters struggle to come to grips with their surreal situation. Verity Fette is an…
With its unique take on one of comicdom’s most controversial foibles, Monty Nero’s Death Sentence takes on the theme of comic book deaths with vigor and sophistication. Over the course…
Columns · Eyecatcher · Small Pressganged
Richy K. Chandler is a comics creator whose work embraces both the tactile and the digital through his Tempo Lush publishing brand. The cartoonist behind the popular Lucy the Octopus…
Bastard Zane unleashes the probability-altering fury of the Accident Gun in this literally “bloody” brilliant second issue of Titan Comics’ summer hit. Si Spurrier and artistic collaborators P.J. Holden and…
Finding your voice as a writer is often thought of as the most challenging aspect of successfully publishing your work. In comics, with its monthly schedule and plethora of titles…
Titan Comics has released a preview of Numbercruncher #2, on sale August 21, 2013. Numbercruncher #2 (of 4) Writer(s): Si Spurrier Artist Name(s): PJ Holden, Jordie Bellaire Page Count: 32pp…
Titan Comics has provided BF with a preview of Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol #2, on sale August 14, 2013. Chronos Commandos: Dawn Patrol #2 Writer/Artist: Stuart Jennett Page Count: 32pp…
Press Release Titan Comics reminded BF that the new issue of Lenore hits comic stores this coming Wednesday, July 31st, and the new storyline will see creator Roman Dirge kill…
Another great British comic from Titan’s new line, full of ideas, a fascinating mismatch of characters and a corkscrew of a plot that twists its way through time, space and…
It’s almost Wednesday, and you know what that means: a fresh load of comics and graphic novels! With so many publications hitting your local comics store or digital storefront, BF…
Press release Titan Comics is pleased to announce the launch of Numbercruncher, an off-the-wall romance mixing time-travel, life-after-death and coal-black comedy. This exciting new release will be hitting stores on…
“He don’t care about nothin’ but killing Nazis.” Titan ventures into the world of creator-owned comics with this pulp action adventure, written and painted by Marvel UK veteran Stuart Jennett….
Two weeks ago, Titan Comics announced its upcoming collection of Marada The-She Wolf by Chris Claremont and John Bolton, set for November 12, 2013. Today, the publisher released a preview of the…
Titan Comics provided BF with information on their September 2013 titles. MARADA THE SHE-WOLF Writer(s): Chris Claremont Artist Name(s): John Bolton Format: Hardcover Collection Page Count: 112pp Retail Price: $24.99…
Press release Titan Comics is pleased to announce the launch of Marada The-She Wolf by Chris Claremont (The Uncanny X-Men; Excalibur; Captain Britain; Fantastic Four; Gen 13,Sovereign 7) and John Bolton (Man-Bat; Shame: Pursuit; Books of Magic)….
Press release A1, the award-winning anthology series by Titan Comics and ATOMEKA debuts today with three fantastic ongoing strips: Weirding Willows, Odyssey and Carpe DIEm. A1 has a long pedigree in comics. Launched in the late 1980s as…
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